Electric Vehicles


Green Cincinnati Plan Priority Actions

  • Install public, streetside electric vehicle (EV) charging stations
  • Develop policies to ensure that vehicle charging infrastructure is available to all residents including those in multi-family buildings and in homes without driveways
  • Continue to support Metro in its efforts to invest in clean fuels buses (electric/hydrogen)
  • Develop policies and incentives to ensure new construction is prepared for EV charging
Cincinnati Electric Fleet

To achieve the decarbonization goals of the GCP, the City must reduce the emissions from its fleet. This involves analyzing the usage patterns of fleet vehicles and eliminating extra vehicles. In addition, the City must begin to electrify its fleet to reduce tailpipe emissions.

Learn more about the City's EV Fleet

EV Charging in City Garages

In 2017, Cincinnati Council adopted a motion to have all publicly funded parking garages provide EV chargers at 1% of the spaces upon opening with the capacity to have 5% of all spaces become EVs in the future.

Read more about the ordinance.

Clean Fuel for Cincinnati Metro

Cincinnati is dedicated to supporting our City's public transportation in efforts to explore and invest in clean fuel sources. 

Read more about Metro's efforts to electrify buses

Metro's Diesel-Electric Hybrid Bus Handout