WarmUp Cincy

WarmUp Cincy exists to increase household savings, safety, health, and comfort for the residents most vulnerable to high energy costs, including low-income residents, communities of color, and renters by incentivizing upgrades and energy use behavior change.  

From 2020-2023, the City and partners facilitated three pilot efforts focused on supporting renters and owners in our 16 most energy burdened neighborhoods. Since that time, much has been learned and nearly 500 households have been positively impacted. See the update below for an overview of the impact thus far and what is next.  

WarmUp Cincy 2023 Update 

Whole Building Retrofit Pilot

Partnering with Over-the-Rhine Community Housing (OTRCH)Green Umbrella, and multiple research institutions, this pilot focuses on comprehensive energy efficiency upgrades in multifamily buildings within OTRCH’s affordable housing portfolio. The goal is to create a model that can be replicated nationally, with resident engagement, weatherization and electrification upgrades, air quality monitoring, and utility data collection scheduled from fall 2023 to late 2026. This initiative will enhance tenant comfort, reduce energy costs, and improve environmental outcomes. 

Read more about the Whole Building Retrofit Pilot here.

Questions? Email Rachel Bickett, Sustainability Project Coordinator rachel.bickett@cincinnati-oh.gov