
Through collaboration with our community and partners, we will work to preserve and improve our residents’ lives by delivering effective, friendly, and efficient services.

Our Strategic Goals

Our goals were created to establish the framework and supporting routines needed for a more proactive, collaborative, and disciplined approach to citywide decision making.

 Excellent & Equitable Service Delivery
 Delivering best-in-class services​ to all residents.

 Public Safety & Health
 Reducing crime and improve the wellbeing of all residents, communities, and neighborhoods

 Growing Economic Opportunity
 Ensuring all residents and businesses have access to the tools they need to achieve economic stability & prosperity

 Thriving Neighborhoods​
Ensuring all residents have access to affordable, clean, resilient, and beautiful neighborhoods

 Fiscal Stability
Ensuring the City plans for long-term financial stability that can support a budget that reflects the needs of the community

Strategic Initiative Execution Teams (SIET)

The Strategic Initiative Execution Teams (SIET) was designed by the City's Office of Performance & Data Analytics to operationalize how City Departments work together to achieve our strategic goals.

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