Targeted Plan Review Times

Targeted plan review times are established and monitored by supervisory personnel.

Residential plan reviews regulated by the Residential Code of Ohio (RCO) are reviewed within 10 working days 90% of the time.

Projects regulated by the Ohio Building Code (OBC) are reviewed within 15 working days 90% of the time.

1, 2, & 3 family residential applications are examined for compliance with the 2019 Residential Code of Ohio and the City of Cincinnati Building Code. *Please note that 2 & 3 family dwellings with shared means of egress are reviewed using the OBC.

4+ dwellings and commercial applications are examined for compliance with the 2017 Ohio Building Code and all associated codes as adopted by the state of Ohio, along with the most current updates.

If all reviewing agencies determine compliance with the code and other applicable regulations, the application is approved, and a permit is issued.

Other city departments and agencies have regulations that control certain phases of construction. Depending on the nature of the project, the review could involve several departments.

The Permits & Inspections section will electronically route plans to these departments for simultaneous review.

When the plan examiner determines that the documents comply with the code, they mark them as "Approved" and forward them to the Customer Service section, who then communicates with the applicant with further instructions.


If an application does not meet the minimum requirements of the building codes, the plan examiner sends the applicant a letter with a request for additional information and/or correction(s) to be made to the documents or drawings.

The applicant is responsible for submitting corrected documents (revisions) to the plan examiner for re-review. Revisions are reviewed within 5 working days or less 90% of the time.

Tracking Your Project with EZTrak

The review process and actions taken by all the reviewing agencies can be monitored at This program is designed to let you check the status of applications by address or project number.

For additional assistance, contact Plan Examination at 513-352-3316.

Before You Apply

We encourage you to call or visit us at the Permit Center before you submit your building permit application. We will answer your questions and let you know if your proposed project is within the City’s development guidelines.

Asking us questions at the outset may save you processing time! We’re glad to take the time to help you -- it’s part of why we are here in one location.

Please call 513-352-3316 for assistance.

You may be referred to other staff members to determine if your project will require any Zoning Administration approvals before you can apply for a building permit.

If your project will require approval through a Zoning Administration process, you must file the required application and pay any fees. Those fees are separate from the building permit fees. Required approvals must be granted before you are allowed to apply for a building permit.

You may also want to discuss your project with other agencies such as; Greater Cincinnati Water Works, Metropolitan Sewer District, Cincinnati Fire Department and Department of Transportation and Engineering, to determine if there will be any special requirements.

Staff may suggest ideas to make the building process easier for you.