Track Access Training
A signed Trackway Access Authorization (TAA) and completed Track Access Safety training are required for any activity with the potential to obstruct or encroach on the Streetcar Right-Of-Way alignment. Both the training and the TAA are free. However, there may be fees associated with any power down of the overhead contact system.
Our training course provides the information you need to be safe on the alignment. Please review the training course material, then complete the exam and required cover sheet.
► instruction ► Training Course ► Exam ► Cover Sheet
The Department of Transportation & Engineering details the requirements for obtaining the necessary permits and authorizations to work within the streetcar right-of-way alignment on its DOTE Resource Page. This page also details fees for overhead contact system power-down requests and contains a copy of the Track Access Authorization (TAA) that must be signed by the appropriate City of Cincinnati and/or Connector personnel.