Cincinnati Recreation Women’s Golf Association is Waiting for You!

The Cincinnati Recreation Women’s Golf Association (CRWGA) is a league of women golfers, 18 years old and older, associated with the Cincinnati Recreation Commission.

CRWGA plays one course each month from May through September. CRWGA also has special events during the season, including the 2-Person Best Ball, and the Club Championship.

CRWGA plays as teams from five of CRC’s six courses with the team having a captain and a co-captain. The Stableford Point System is used for scoring and handicaps are determined by the GHIN system. The $50 membership fee includes the annual fee for your GHIN handicap and the year-end awards. Your GHIN number will be activated by the course where you are a CRWGA team member.

2025 CRWGA Membership Application


Standards and Procedures   -   Awards    -    Ready Golf Rules