Subdivisions and Lot Splits

About Subdivisions:

A subdivision is a tract of land which has been divided into smaller pieces called lots which will be sold individually, usually for the purpose of constructing new residential or commercial development.

All newly created lots must have frontage on a public street and meet the requirements of the Zoning Code (minimum lot size, setbacks, etc.) and the Rules and Regulations of the Cincinnati City Planning Commission for the Subdivision of Land (lot design, location of utilities, etc.)

Click for the Subdivision Regulations

Click for the Application for the Division of Land


Types of Subdivisions:

Minor Subdivision (Lot Splits)
Staff Level Review

A Minor Subdivision is a proposed division of a parcel of land along an existing public street that does not involving the opening, widening or extension of any street or road, and involves no more than three (3) lots. This is an administrative process that is not required to go before City Planning Commission, as long as the proposed lots meet the Cincinnati Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations, and does not include any of the following features that define a Major Subdivision:

  • The opening, widening, extension or improvement of a street;

  • The installation, extension, or modification of a public utility service line, excluding tap connections to existing utility service lines;

  • A request involving a parcel of land that the owner or applicant intends to further subdivide, and the planned subdivision together will result in four or more lots;

  • A request that seeks a variance or other relief from the City’s Subdivision Regulations or the Cincinnati Zoning Code;

  • A request that includes one or more rear lots (panhandle lots);

  • A request that includes one or more air lots;

  • A request involving a property subject to the provisions of Cincinnati Municipal Code Chapter 1433, “Hillside Overlay Districts;” or

  • A request involving property located in a special flood hazard area, as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

An application will not be reviewed until it is complete.  A complete application contains the following:

  • Application;

  • Current Deed;

  • Legal descriptions of the property/properties prepared by a licensed surveyor;

  • A plat prepared by a licensed surveyor; and

  • Cash or check (made payable to the City of Cincinnati) for $150 per deed stamped.  If all properties are to go to the same entity, up to three (3) legal descriptions are permitted for one deed.

Major Subdivision
City Planning Commission Review

A subdivision of land that abuts an existing improved public or private street into more than three lots or includes any of the following features:

  • The opening, widening, extension or improvement of a street;

  • The installation, extension, or modification of a public utility service line, excluding tap connections to existing utility service lines;

  • A request involving a parcel of land that the owner or applicant intends to further subdivide, and the planned subdivision together will result in four or more lots;

  • A request that seeks a variance or other relief from the City’s subdivision regulations or the Cincinnati Zoning Code;

  • A request that includes one or more rear lots (panhandle lots);

  • A request that includes one or more air lots;

  • A request involving a property subject to the provisions of Cincinnati Municipal Code Chapter 1433, “Hillside Overlay Districts;” or

  • A request involving property located in a special flood hazard area, as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

All Major Subdivisions will require a hearing before the City Planning Commission. An application will not be reviewed until it is complete.  A complete application contains the following:

  • Application;

  • Current Deed (if applicable);

  • Legal descriptions of the property/properties prepared by a licensed surveyor (if applicable);

  • A plat prepared by a licensed surveyor; and

  • Cash or check (made payable to the City of Cincinnati) for $500 per lot created (cash or check made payable to the City of Cincinnati).

Subdivision Improvement Plan (SIP)
A SIP is a drawing showing a proposed subdivision of land along with the public improvements that are to be installed, including water lines, sewer lines, public streets, etc. This drawing is not recorded but provides a plan for adequate access and utilities to all newly created lots and requires approval from all reviewing agencies (GCWW, MSD, DOTE, City Planning, etc.) and the City Planning Commission. It is required for new subdivisions that are creating a new street or require additional utilities. The SIP will not be taken to the City Planning Commission if it has not been authorized to proceed by all reviewing agencies first. The Department of City Planning & Engagement's current fee is $500 per lot (cash or check made payable to the City of Cincinnati).

Final Plat
A record plat is a drawing showing the division of any tract of land into two or more parcels and prepared for the purpose of recording. This process generally is used for subdivisions of three (3) lots or more. If the proposed lots already front a public street and have access to utilities, a Subdivision Improvement Plan may not be required. Record Plats require approval from all reviewing agencies (GCWW, MSD, DOTE, City Planning & Engagement, etc.) and the City Planning Commission. The Record Plat will not be taken to the City Planning Commission if it is not approved by all reviewing agencies first. The Department of City Planning & Engagement's current fee is $500 per lot if the project did not go through a Development Plan or Subdivision Improvement Plan separately (cash or check made payable to the City of Cincinnati).

Contact Information

  • Andrew Halt, AICP, Senior City Planner | 513.352.4854
  • Emily Burns, City Planner | 513.352.4855
  • Jesse Urbancsik, Senior City Planner | 513.352.4843